Do you remember where you were on this day last year???? I for sure do! This is the day that we went in for our first ultra-sound and saw two perfect little circles on the screen telling us that it was twins! What a surreal moment in our journey! I remember that I kept saying "Is it really two? Really? Twins? Really? Are you sure???" God was busy working on our two most precious blessings and it is hard to imagine how much our lives have changed in the past year!
Fast forward one year and here we are celebrating FIVE months with our sweet babies! It is hard to believe that they have been here FIVE whole months...but even harder to picture how life was without them! They have changed so much in the past month and are getting SO much personality! Life is SO BUSY around our house and it seems that there is NEVER a dull moment. Just when I think I have it all together...they change things up on me and I feel like I start over again! Craziness! Here are some pics with our FIVE from today:
Five months old today! |
Where did you get that 5? |
Haha I got it! |
This looks yummy! |
Might as well eat our fingers... |
Summer is OVER!
What a shame! We have had the BEST summer ever, spending time with these two! We have been so blessed to have Derek home pretty much all summer. He officially started cross country practice yesterday, so I guess our break is done. I have NO idea how in the world I am going to do it without him home! I am so thankful for the time that he has been here because he is such a good daddy and helper! We are really excited about his new job and feel so blessed to be at Miles this coming year. Go Bulldogs!
I officially finished my graduate school requirements this summer and did my principal internship for Grape Creek. I am SO GLAD that it is over and was REALLY looking forward to August thinking I would get to spend the whole month at home with twins before tutoring in the fall! Well that was the plan anyways...
A couple of weeks ago my principal at Lake View called and offered me a part-time teaching position. This was something that I had been asking for for about two years, but was told that it was not going to happen. The way things worked out this summer, they ended up being four classes short on math teachers, so they were in need and I was there to help out! I am really excited about the possibility and think that God has completely provided an opportunity for me to stay home and also help with our finances. Needless to say, my August plans have been changed and I will be starting inservice next week with all of the other teachers! But I am thankful for the job and pray that it works out best for our family and the twins!
Twin Updates
Our two munchkins have been growing and changing like CRAZY! They seem to do more each day and are keeping us on our toes! The biggest change is that we have been introducing foods! What an adventure that has been! We started with rice cereal and have added oatmeal cereal, avocados, apples, sweet potatoes, and pears. So far I am making all of their food at home and pureeing it for them. I am hoping to continue as long as possible as an effort to save money. I also like being able to know exactly what I am giving them and being able to mix in breast milk as needed. The twins are still breast-feeding exclusively which I am SO proud of. FIVE months and going strong! I am thankful that God has blessed my body with the ability to provide for them and also help us financially! Tucker continues to be the better eater...of course! He LOVES all of the food we have given and still nurses better/drinks more! No wonder he is SO big! It took Sissy some time to figure out the hang of cereal, but she is getting better all the time! They seem to like sweet potatoes the best, followed by avocados. Apples were the least favorite, but they do like apples mixed with pears! We will keep on going and see how they do! Feeding time is definitely a circus!
First time to eat cereal |
What is this??? |
Bring it on! |
Yummy avocado! |
I love messes! |
Tucker at Five Months
Nicknames: Tucker Boy, Tucker Bear, Bubba, Bear Bear, Bubba Bear
Favorite Food: MILK!!! sweet potatoes, avocados, apples mixed with pears
Favorite Activities: watching praise baby, stomping my foot, standing up, playing in the walker/saucer
Personality: Serious most of the time, SUPER sweet and cuddly! LOVES kisses and snuggles, always wants sister close by
Laughs at: being tickled on the chest and side
Sleeps: with Harry and his paci, all over the place!
Favorite Book: Brown Bear
Clothing: Around 6 month. Can still wear 3-6 month and some 6-9 month.
Shoe Size: 1
Diaper Size: 2
Looks like: most people say Grant and Jaxson, but possibly Grumpy
Tucker is still our Mr. Serious but has really opened up this past month. He loves making noises and coos and has really started laughing out loud. He HATES lounging or reclining. He would much rather sit up or stand. He reaches for sister any time she is close and is still a little bit of a Mama's boy. He has started coming out of his shell and likes going to others too. He likes playing with people, but also fine entertaining himself.
Adelyn at Five Months
Nicknames: Ady, Sissy, Sissy Girl, Ady Girl
Favorite Activities: watching praise baby, laughing, talking to anyone or anything (mama's cup!)
Loves: pretty much everyone...has a soft spot for Daddy, but has kinda turned into a Mama's girl! Also loves Bubba, Ducky, and Ellie (the elephant)
Personality: Our CLOWN! She is the funniest little thing I've ever seen! She cracks us up constantly! She loves to laugh, shriek, talk, and make funny faces. She is rarely upset but when she is it is SAD!
Laughs at: everything! Funny faces, being tickled anywhere, funny noises, the bumper pads...
Sleeps: with Ellie and her the corner of her crib
Favorite Book: Brown Bear
Clothing: Mostly 3 month. Can still wear 0-3 month and some 3-6 month.
Shoe Size: 1
Diaper Size: 2
Looks like: her Daddy and her Mimi (Derek's mom). Her smile is ALL her Daddy!
Adelyn continues to light up our world with her funny personality! She is a mess! She makes even the hardest times seem so fun! She has started being more of a Mama's girl, especially out in public or when she is somewhere new. She LOVES being held and snuggling, loves bath time, and loves being played with. She loves to hold Bubba's hand and spends most of the time checking to make sure everyone is still around. She likes to watch people, and doesn't really like to do one thing for very long. During bible class or feeding time, she has to take breaks to see where Bubba is...too funny!
Motherhood continues to be the greatest blessing I have ever received! I still have to pinch myself to believe that this is my life. I am COMPLETELY in awe of God's creation and LOVE getting to wake up each day to enjoy these two. They are so wonderfully perfect! I can't get over their cuteness! I think each day is better than the one before! I now know why it took God so long to bless us with children...because He was busy making them perfect! I cannot sing His praises enough for finally granting our desires!
Before the twins, I couldn't understand God's reasoning in making me wait SO LONG. It seemed cruel that I had to sit and wait and watch all of these other people enjoy what I wanted. I always wondered why God didn't love me enough to give me children like I so desperately wanted. In hindsight, I realize that by making me wait, God was showing me how much He really did love me. He didn't want to just give me any children...He wanted to give me the two that He had planned JUST for me! He wanted to make them so fearfully wonderful that I would wake up each morning with the love in my heart that He feels for me! How different I view God's love for me as HIS child, now that I know the LOVE that I have for my own. What an AWESOME God we serve!
Sure there are hard days and times... The twins were up at FIVE o'clock this morning ready to party! There are times when there is just not enough Mama to go around! I'm sure the next few months (or year) will be a challenge with Derek working and me working part-time. There are times when I feel like all I do is feed, clean poop and spit-up, wash dishes, do laundry, repeat... Motherhood is HARD! Period. But I wouldn't trade the hardest days for even one hour of life before these two came along. They are my sunshine...they are my precious gifts....they are my blessings. I can't wait to see what the next month brings!
Enjoy the pictures! Love to all! Please keep us in your prayers as we begin a new school year as parents! Haven't done this before!
"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." James 1:17
Are you my sister??? |
Sissy always ready to smile! |
This picture perfectly captures their personalities! |
Outfits made by Mimi! |
Melt your heart! |