

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

4 Months Old!

We are on the down-hill side of feeling yucky from our shots yesterday, so I thought I would update everyone on our four month check-up! The twins did great at their appointment, even though it was feeding time/ nap time. Both babies are gaining weight and both had grown quite a bit in length! We were thankful for a good check-up and that both babies are healthy! Our doctor says they are both just tall and thin...which sounds good to me! Tucker really seemed to like Dr. Sherrod! He kept cooing and laughing and flirting with her! It was pretty cute! The shots were a little harder this time. Tucker Boy seemed to know what was coming and his feelings were hurt. Sister on the other hand cried big ol' alligator tears like she was in sad! I think Daddy's heart broke just a little bit! The both seemed to handle the shots better this time...both napped almost all afternoon yesterday and slept well through the night. The have been napping and running a slight temperature, but other than that we are doing well! Such troopers!

Sleepy babies after the doctor!

Tucker's 4 Month Stats:
Weight- 13 lbs 9 oz (23rd Percentile)
Height- 25.5 inches (68th Percentile)

Adelyn's 4 Month Stats:
Weight- 12 lbs 1.5 oz (18th Percentile)
Height- 24.75 inches (66th Percentile)

It's pretty crazy to think that Tucker is now a whole POUND and a HALF bigger than Sissy after starting out a half pound smaller! He is a really good eater and has really chunked up! We are amazed when we go back and look at those first pictures because they were just SO TINY! It's hard to believe that they even let us bring babies that small home! We are so thankful that they were both healthy and pray that they continue to grow and develop on track! We are planning on starting rice cereal in the near future which may plump them up a little more...ha!

Other than that, things are great! We are enjoying our family time at home and so thankful that Daddy gets to spend so much time with us! I have about 20 hours left on my principal internship and I will be SO happy when it is over! Hope everyone is having a great summer! Love to all!

We love to play!

Four months old!

Have bow will travel!

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." John 15:7-8

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